Vends Arpège (Vendue)

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29 Feb 2008 17:49

Hello je vends une Arp?ge n?043 manche bois avec un floyd lag 750 ? elle est r?vis?e de peu avis aux amateurs
1194.jpg (45.55 KiB) Viewed 11662 times
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25 Mar 2008 15:31

baisse des prix 850 c un cadeaux
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12 Apr 2008 23:33

Nom de dieu... c'est cadeau en effet...
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13 Jul 2008 19:58

elle est encore a vendre? c extrahordinaire
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15 Nov 2008 04:41

on baisse encore :)
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15 Nov 2008 09:58

c'est un floyd lag, moins bien que Vigier :-(
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15 Nov 2008 12:36

moins bien? je trouve pas il est tr?s bien aussi
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18 Nov 2008 01:02

Pas les brouzoufs, d?sol?
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18 Nov 2008 08:58

manugtr wrote:Pas les brouzoufs, d?sol?
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20 Nov 2008 18:04

Ha, il y en a qui n'ont pas connu "Objectif Nul"brouzouf = pognonRemarque, c'est rare que je cite des trucs de la t?l? : j'en ai plus depuis 10 ans au moins et ne compte pas en racheter une de sit?t, d'ailleurs, mes ex me gonflaient toutes avec leurs feuilletons d?biles...Faudrait que je passe des P.A genre "cherche JF qui d?teste la t?l?"le pire c'est que j'ai un chantier en route avec une qui vient de l?
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20 Nov 2008 18:11

et ben moi je suis trop content que ma femme regarde ses feuilletons d?biles, comme ?a je suis tranquillou pour jouer de la zic !!!!
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20 Nov 2008 20:05

Je pr?f?re une zikos, j'aime pas jouer seul, c'est d'ailleurs bien mon probl?me depuis que j'ai repris la gratte ? z?ro il y a 3 ans apr?s des ann?es d'arr?t : j'?tais entre l'intermittence et le RMI pendant 10 ans avant ?a, puis suis tomb? tr?s tr?s malade...M?me dans le temps quand on apprenait, on faisait ?a en ?quipe : on s'?tait mont?s en pool ? 4 gratteux : 3 chez les meilleurs profs sur la zone Metz/Thionville et un achetait les songbooks et m?thodes...Je te jure que jouer de la gratte seul m'est quasi impossible : au bout de 10 minutes, j'en ai raz le bol... Je suis vraiment dans la * pour remonterDommage que Satch habite ? + de 50km, je lui aurai propos? de bin?merEn tous cas, j'avoue qu'une 2e Arp?ge me toquerait bien mais je vais pas pouvoir budg?tiser d'instru avant des moisPour ceux qui connaissent que les Excas, vous savez pas ce que vous loupez, les mecs! L'Arp?ge est diff?rente mais j'ose pas faire essayer la mienne ? certains de mes potes : ils ont rentr? des grattes qui coutent VRAIMENT la peu des couilles et se sont saign? pour les payer... Si je leur met ?a dans les pattes et leur dis que tu trouves ?a d'occase ? 750?, tu vas avoir une vague de suicides jusque chez du prof du M.A.I...Bon, je bouge, j'ai pas encore gout? le beaujolais
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21 Nov 2008 01:44

Hey, c'est vrai que tu es tout djeunz : j'ai pas trop mat? les profils :lol:c'est vrai que l'on ne s'attend pas ? voir une lyc?en avec ce genre de guitareEt assez barr? prog en + (quoique c'est pas bon pour les finances et avec les meufs, ?a)Gosh, ? ton ?ge j'avais encore qu'une po?le d'Allemagne de l'Est... Un truc inimaginable...Je suis pret que t'as, et de loin, la meilleure gratte du bahut, gros veinard
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30 Dec 2008 13:00

Hi, please, is this guitar still for sale?. Best regards. erb628i.
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30 Dec 2008 16:31

Nope! It's on the way 4 me, consider she's already mine!If you want, there is a Passion 2 for sale on the forum which looks a little alike the old Arp?ges This Arp?ge has been refinished by Lag team and looked like on the picture before, and trem has been changed for a floyd-rose.That's why she's very cheap...Raaaa, can't up the pic with the add a file button...I post it on imageshackclick on da pic for Hi res
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30 Dec 2008 20:19

Hi, thanks, I already have a full Vigier Arpege, I was asking about this on behalf of another Arpege's lover. Nice guitars the Lag I liked above all those produced some years ago and from that time, I've a rare to find, it's a Roxanne Full Power, it features 3 humbuckers and only was produced in 2001. Now, as you can see in the forum, I'm looking for a Passion III, ...... Best regards. ELRIBOR.
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31 Dec 2008 00:27

Me too looking for Passion 3, heheheheI LOVE old Vigiers, especially as they are "not for everybody" : they not only look but sound uncommon too.There's actually a Passion with carbon neck and the Passion 3 design to get, but consider this :the guy REALLY asks TOO MUCH, considering holes were drilled in the guitar to install EMG (!!!!) P.U's in, there is no trembar, no more preamp as itis in Bagger's Passion 3 now and a Benedetti kit is around 500? + you'll have to rebuild a preamp and the guy wants 1600? (!!!!) for this Passion Standard (!!!)... A few weeks ago, a Passion Custom in perfect shape and EVERYTHING onboard was sold for 1200?... BTW, the guy doesn't give the vaseline with the guitar...Consider the work to do and the parts to buy to make her be again a real Passion and you'll find it's not really a bargain!Frankly, in this state, it shouldn't be sold more than 800?, so don't help the 2nd hand price to get mad as with some brands where old trashbins totally destroyed are sold fortunes...If you really want her, I'll tell you where to get it, but PLEASE, DO NOT ACCEPT TO PAY SUCH PRICE!Do not go over 800 and tell him to keep the EMG's or yer a *!consider that1600? + 500? pickup + mony for trembar + mony for the preamp (if they accept to reveal you the schematics ou ya'll have to reverse one, which needs a little electronics lab to do it)... Well, wanna pay round 2400/2500 or wait the next one in good state on sales?It's up to you, the one on sales is on audiofanzine...About Lag guitars : better buy pre-factory guitars!!! Before 1992, they were luthier stuff made in Toulouse... After, these are CNC made guitars as the name was sold to a french very big company which implanted a factory in B?darieux and another in China... I think there is a Custom Shop if you want an expensive one.BTW, you can find an Arkane now on (can't tell the year) and even a Vigier Arp?ge which is unique on Earth because of a custom paint job, but you'd better like to have it with just one pick up and better be a fan of horror movies and/or metal...BTW, last time this Arp?ge was sold, it was at 800 or 750? and she changed of owner lotsa time in the pasts yearsHope you like vampyres
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31 Dec 2008 09:55

Hi, I fully agree with your comments, I saw the Passion that you mention and asked by pictures, but I discarded it (at any price), the Passion I'm looking for (not modified), sholud be in very good condition in all aspects as I say in my post in the forum (pearhaps you have read it) and if possible a 90/10 version, so, it sounds that I will have to wait. Some Lag guitars of the time that you mention were very nice guitars with very comfortable necks (at least for me) (also Blade but the Switzerland made). I know a shop that still has two Lag Custom (Strat type H-S-H with active electronics) (Purple finish), one hybrid Lag The Beast Thinline (Antique violin finish) with Wilkinson/Fishman piezo, one Blade JM-L (Ocean Blue finish) also with active electronics, and a Marylin of what, to the best of my knowledge, only two were made in that wood and finish (Flamed Alder in Clear Black), all them new. In fact, my Roxanne was probably the only sold in my country as it was ordered for me. Fortunately I don't like vampires, despite I recognize it's a nice draw.     
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31 Dec 2008 10:57

manugtr wrote:Hi, I fully agree with your comments, I saw the Passion that you mention and asked by pictures, but I discarded it (at any price), the Passion I'm looking for (not modified), sholud be in very good condition in all aspects as I say in my post in the forum (pearhaps you have read it) and if possible a 90/10 version, so, it sounds that I will have to wait.
I fear there are not a lot to be in very good shape, and there are big probabilities that owners keep those ones... Don't dream too much.... By exemple, my Arp?ge belonged to a good friend of mine and I had to promise that he can borrow her if needed, BTW, he wouldn't had sold her to me if he wasn't sure I really love her and will never get rid of (which I won't even think of, hehehe) and he refused to sold her many times before. I've seen really few in such condition on the web...Most of old Vigiers that you can see for sale have mods ou have been degraded... The Passion on AF, I would have go up to 800 but not a single ? more. Frankly, I'm not against the carbon neck as I was hooked by one with it, hehe... In fact, I'm very 'open' to the use of composites

manugtr wrote:Some Lag guitars of the time that you mention were very nice guitars with very comfortable necks (at least for me) (also Blade but the Switzerland made).
I know very well a few Lag from this era, especially a 'strat custom' which belongs to an old pal and is a real marvel... He paid it 2k? in 1990 (ouch)

manugtr wrote:I know a shop that still has two Lag Custom (Strat type H-S-H with active electronics) (Purple finish), one hybrid Lag The Beast Thinline (Antique violin finish) with Wilkinson/Fishman piezo, one Blade JM-L (Ocean Blue finish) also with active electronics, and a Marylin of what, to the best of my knowledge, only two were made in that wood and finish (Flamed Alder in Clear Black), all them new. In fact, my Roxanne was probably the only sold in my country as it was ordered for me.
Well, even in France, lotsa people never had any Vigier in their hands... And most have bizarre ideas about them without even touchin 'em...

manugtr wrote:Fortunately I don't like vampires, despite I recognize it's a nice draw.
Hehe, I'm of the same advice bout this one... It's probably why I saw her many times on sales, especially if you consider there's only one p.u... I feel I have even seen her in a guitar magazine very long ago



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31 Dec 2008 12:46

Yes, I'm afreid that it will be more than difficult and will not dream too much, if the guitar wasn't a 90/10, I would take a full carbon neck, but always if it was in very good condition. Very probably the Lag Custom (Strat type) that you mention was the same that those that I also mentioned. I also had saw previously the Arpege with the vampire since time ago, from time to time. Have a Happy New Year 2009 ! 
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31 Dec 2008 13:26

you too, dude :)
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09 Jan 2009 10:31

Hi, has your Arpege a metal layer between the neck and the fingerboard, the mine, has it, if the your has it also, what's in your opinion "the reason to be" of it?, is it just a strength question to reinforce the assembly neck/fingerboard? , or is it any sonic reason? as some times I believe to notice in the sounds issued by this guitar something like a  light touch of a bell like sound.   
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10 Jan 2009 03:32

manugtr wrote:Hi, has your Arpege a metal layer between the neck and the fingerboard, the mine, has it, if the your has it also, Mhhh, yours is an Arp?ge "V6". She's older than those with the full carbon neck...
Yep, mine has it too
manugtr wrote:what's in your opinion "the reason to be" of it?, is it just a strength question to reinforce the assembly neck/fingerboard? , or is it any sonic reason?
Well, maybe we should ask Patrice about it but I wouldnt be surprised if the both reason you are telling are simply linked : the metal is the "delta-metal" of the Surfretters... Lets say it looks a lote like brass and brass is very good for sustain
manugtr wrote:as some times I believe to notice in the sounds issued by this guitar something like a  light touch of a bell like sound.   
"And he could play the guitar lije ringing the bell... Go! Go Johnny go, go!!!!" You can sometimes think it sounds like an acoustic guitar (and better at that than lotsa guitars with pi?zos!!!)
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10 Jan 2009 11:15

manugtr wrote:
manugtr wrote:Mhhh, yours is an Arp?ge "V6". She's older than those with the full carbon neck...
The mine has a full wood neck
manugtr wrote:
 I wouldnt be surprised if the both reason you are telling are simply linked Lets say it looks a lote like brass and brass is very good for sustain Yes, I also believe that the reasons are both and set together.
manugtr wrote:   
(and better at that than lotsa guitars with pi?zos!!!)
To my ears, it sounds slightly more near to piezos (some piezos) than to acoustic. Any way, it's a characteristic more that makes the Arpege different to the remainder included almost the whole of hybrids.
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11 Jan 2009 02:23

manugtr wrote:The mine has a full wood neck

Not totally : fretboard is phenowood (the new GV has it too) even if it looks alike ebony

manugtr wrote:To my ears, it sounds slightly more near to piezos (some piezos) than to acoustic.

Well, it can anyway fit to "?mulate" acoustic guitars like lotsa people do it with piezos, something in never heard with usual magnetic pickups, same thing when you split them : it's the only ones I ever had that really sound like single coils when splitted...It's probably impossible to try all P.U's on market, but for now, those Benedettis are the best I never had or tried

manugtr wrote:  Any way, it's a characteristic more that makes the Arpege different to the remainder included almost the whole of hybrids.
Well it's not so hybrid... Next Arp?ges with carbon neck are a lot more "hybrid".

In fact, everything is unusual on these guitars : wood, electronics, P.U's, fingerboard, neck. they are really great guitars, the luthier job is really sumptuous but I think such guitars are definitively NOT for anybody and it's why I love them so much

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