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What is the maximum tension a Vigier neck can withstand?

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 13:43
by Dna-yay

So currently i have been getting into the realms of various string tensions and the weight certain strings have when tuned to pitch. At the moment in standard tuning on my Excalibur Originali rock DR DDT Big Heavier 10-13-17-36-52-60. I intend to probably raise the 13 to a 14 and the 17 to an 18 as they are a little loose for me. While i might drop the 36 to a 34/32 and the 52 down to a 50/48 as they are just a tad too tight for my liking. This way the tension will progressively get heavier but with all of the strings still feeling comfertable.


I know the 10/90 system is amazing but i just wanted to make sure if i decided to raise the 60 up to a 62/64 and arrange the rest of the strings to my own custom gauge,  i would not be screwing the neck up due to the overall tension created by all of the strings?


Once i then have the overall tension i like for all of my strings i can apply the same theory for my Excalibur Custom which i will have in D standard but will have the exact same tension as my Excalibur Original in standard tuning.