Zero fret already needing a replacement.

Lets talk about guitars
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Joined: 19 Feb 2012 23:00

20 Apr 2012 21:29

I bought a Shawn Lane master from Toneworld UK less than a month ago, and the G has already worn a groove in the zero fret. I get a nice "ping" when I bend it or the B up to the groove point, as the string catches and then escapes. I'm in the US; so I don't know if I should go through DJ or have Vigier France send me a replacement fret directly.
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21 Apr 2012 16:57

You should go through DJ if you are in the US...have you also checked the nut is cut correctly, this could cause a 'ping' too. 
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Joined: 21 Sep 2012 22:00

23 Sep 2012 20:05

I just purchased a Shawn lane standard myself, and had the same exact problem, there was a groove in the zero fret on the E string, when i used the trem it caused only that string to go sharp, i had 2 extra zero frets that came with the guitar and guess what?...........they were the wrong zero frets! they were radiused not flat so i couldnt use them! how did i solve my problem?.....i simply flipped the zero fret around so the notch was at the fat e string end (which was fine since the notch was to small to cause any trouble there) and magic!! ..........tuning problems gone! i wish i was that smart in regards to anything else.....LOL. why can they not make the zero fret from stainless steel!?? i would guess they would last longer. By the way If Patrice Vigier is reading this,...........this guitar is a masterpiece of craftsmanship in EVERY way, unbelievable instrument and he should be proud of what he has contributed to its construction, and to the evolution of the instument itself. That said I bought this one used on E-bay, since i had no idea how they played and did not feel ultra comfortable shelling out $3000.00 on an instrument i have not played, but the next one WILL be new. where would i order a new zero fret? and how much are they? sorry for all the questions. 

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Joined: 23 Sep 2012 22:00

27 Sep 2012 09:47

HELLO guys,

  I love Guitar..............I want to buy a branded one can anyone you have any suggestion of which brand i should  buy?

 please leave a reply!thanks

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Joined: 21 Sep 2012 22:00

29 Sep 2012 15:37

I dont think i would rely on another persons opinion in regards to picking out an instrument that you can not only express yourself fully with, but make great music with as well. It has been really a lifelong pursuit of mine to find an instrument that i can do that with and as far as im concerned i found it, .....and for ME its a Vigier. But musical taste and needs in regard to an instrument can change given time, and your PLAYING and what you will need will change too. I have tried many very nice guitars since i have been playing and liked quite a few, ....Ibanez is a fine guitar making company and if you choose among the Prestige line their quality instruments, Suhr is a great company and make very good guitars I have tried a few and really like them, Carvin do great work and i have owned their Allan Holdsworth Model and loved it, Unique guitar. Charvel, Fender, Gibson,....Etc. I was looking for a guitar that would take care of all my needs and was fimiliar with the work of a guitarist by the name of Shawn Lane If you havent heard him check him out (Powers of Ten is a great place to start) and noticed he was playing a very different guitar so i checked them out and Learned he had a Model available that was made for him. The spec's of the instrument are what really appealed to me especially the flat radius of the neck, I played alot growing up on a yamaha classical guitar doing alot of lead stuff (think Al DiMeola and the trio,....Friday night in San Francisco) and I loved the Carvin Allan holdsworth for the 20'Radius it had and THIS was really not flat enough....LOL. So i was on the lookout for one of these since i have never played even a Vigier guitar of ANY kind. Well I finally found one up for sale on E-Bay there was just one bid on it for $1500.00 so i bid $1600.00,........and WON it! It was pretty much in brand new condition the man that sold it played it a total of 2 monthes and DIDNT like the flat radius! so i got this pretty much brand new Vigier for HALF the price!!! well when i got it i took a few days to take it for a test ride and check it out it just blew my mind every minute from the neck to the trem.... amazing craftsmanship and It sounds AMAZING and play's better. If viger approached me about wanting to build a custom made instrument for me it would be VERY close to this model. So i dont know what to say, i finally found a guitar that does everything i want it to do and also inspires me to play ,.thats very important. So i guess in closing i would say sit down and WRITE OUT what your looking for in an instrument and what you want it to do and how you want it to sound then go about getting out there and PLAYING alot of guitars and then procede to find the one for YOU!!

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